Totala Reported previous evacuation for past hurricane or disaster Reported evacuation for Hurricane Florence before landfall (< 9/14/18)
N Percent N Percentb χ2 N Percentb χ2
Sources of emergency communications
Yes 88 70% 10 11% 0.47 56 64% 1.34
No 38 30% 6 16% 20 53%
Yes 34 27% 3 9% 0.63 18 53% 1.06
No 92 73% 13 14% 58 63%
Yes 27 21% 6 22% 2.81* 18 67% 0.58
No 99 79% 10 10% 58 59%
Yes 46 36% 4 9% 1.05 26 57% 0.44
No 80 64% 12 15% 50 63%
Yes 43 34% 4 9% 0.68 26 60% 0.001
No 83 66% 12 14% 50 60%
Level of satisfaction with emergency alerts and communications about Hurricane Florence
Extremely 33 47% 8 24% 9.03** 15 45% 1.83
Somewhat 21 30% 5 24% 12 63%
A little 10 14% 3 30% 6 60%
Not at all 6 9% 5 83% 3 60%
Level of worry of hurricane’s impact on personal safety
Extremely 93 47% 18 20% 2.32 58 63% 5.39
Somewhat 34 17% 6 18% 18 56%
A little 28 14% 3 11% 18 64%
Not at all 44 22% 11 25% 18 43%
Level of worry of hurricane’s impact on home
Extremely 107 58% 19 18% 7.33* 68 64% 4.40
Somewhat 28 15% 2 7% 13 46%
A little 15 8% 6 40% 9 64%
Not at all 35 19% 8 23% 17 49%
Timing of evacuation
Before or on 9/12/18 68 35% 18 26% 4.50
9/13/18 45 23% 7 16%
9/14/18 26 13% 4 15%
9/15–16/18 29 15% 3 10%
9/17–19/19 15 8% 3 20%
On or after 9/20/18 12 6% 2 17%
Needs during evacuation
Medications or medical care
Yes 41 56% 9 23% 1.94 21 57% 0.18
No 32 44% 12 38% 16 52%
Water or food
Yes 18 25% 2 12% 3.26* 6 38% 2.41
No 55 75% 19 35% 31 60%
Reasons for evacuating to a shelter
No transportation to leave area
Yes 79 39% 17 22% 0.50 38 48% 5.28**
No 121 61% 21 34% 75 65%
No family or friends to stay with
Yes 139 70% 29 21% 0.93 70 51% 14.57***
No 61 31% 9 15% 45 79%
Wanted to stay close to home
Yes 114 60% 14 12% 8.25*** 65 57% 0.30
No 77 40% 22 29% 44 61%
Needed access to medical care
Yes 70 35% 14 20% 0.046 38 54% 0.71
No 129 65% 24 19% 75 60%
Could not afford other place to stay
Yes 126 65% 19 15% 2.79* 73 60% 0.66
No 68 35% 17 25% 36 54%
Needed place for pets
Yes 43 34% 7 16% 0.40 23 53% 0.89
No 82 66% 10 12% 51 62%